Missing teeth can have a major impact on your everyday life. Simple tasks such as eating and talking can become hard to do. Over time you might notice that it becomes nearly possible to chew some of your favorite foods, or that people have a hard time understanding what you say. You’ve probably also noticed that the gaps in your smile have negatively affected your appearance, causing you to smile less and perhaps limiting your social interactions. At The Denture & Implant Clinic, our team understands the effect of missing teeth and how that impacts your life. Because of that, we offer many options for replacing teeth, including partial and complete dentures. For patients who still have some natural teeth, partial dentures can be an excellent solution.
If you are interested, please call 020 8629 1226 to request a dentures consultation.
What are dentures?
Dentures are removable, artificial teeth that take the place of your natural teeth. Most commonly, the prosthetic teeth are held in place by an acrylic base and supported by your gum tissue. Dentures should be taken out every evening and cleaned so the gums can rest during sleep. Patients who are missing an entire arch of teeth will need full dentures, while patients with only a few teeth missing can benefit from partial dentures.
Partial Dentures
If you are missing a few teeth, but still have some healthy teeth, there is no need to replace the teeth that are still in good condition. Instead, we use partial dentures to fill in the gaps from missing teeth. Like full dentures, partial dentures also have prosthetic teeth on an acrylic base. However, partial dentures use metal hooks to fasten to natural teeth. The frame is made of a metal mixture of cobalt and chrome which creates a stable grip on the natural teeth.
During the design and preparation process for partial dentures, we take the time to ensure that your dentures will have an excellent fit and be able to withstand normal chewing forces.
Advantages of Cobalt Chrome partial dentures
- Most comfortable option
- Smaller and thinner than other types of partials
- Close fitting
- Best grip
- Strong
- Precision attachment
Caring for your partial dentures
Good oral hygiene is essential for denture wearers to prevent buildup of bacteria which can lead to decay, infections, or disease. Prior to taking your dentures out, place a towel on the counter and in the sink in case you accidentally drop them. Dentures can break very easily when they fall on a hard surface. Use a soft bristled toothbrush with a special denture cleaner to clean your dentures. Toothpaste can be abrasive and can scratch the dentures. Brush your healthy teeth, gums, and tongue with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Make sure to soak your dentures in a solution overnight and rinse them thoroughly prior to placing them back in the mouth.
Modern partial dentures are extremely lifelike, allowing them to seamlessly restore beauty and function to a smile. If you would like to learn more about the benefits of partial dentures, call 020 8629 1226 today.